I am Zita Szenteczki.
Theatre director, writer, performer.

I believe in the creative and community-building power of theatre. I believe that theatre can be a form for collective thinking. I live in Hungary and work mainly in Budapest.


2018 -- 2023 University of Theatre and Film Arts – Doctorate course /DLA/ - Budapest

2012 -- 2017 University of Theatre and Film Arts – Theater director (Puppetry specification) /MA/

2011 -- 2012 - University of Arts from Târgu-Mureș – Actor, Târgu-Mureș, Romania

2007 -- 2011 - Városmajori High School (humanities specification) - Budapest, Hungary


2023. Critics' Choice Award - Award for Best Independent production: Who Killed My Father?

2022. Best performance, Best actor - Within the law
/Most Fesztivál/

2020. Junior Prima Award

2018. Award of Theater Critics – The best performance of children - nomination
András Dániel: Kicsibácsi és Kicsinéni (meg az Imikém) – Mesebolt Puppet Theater, Szombathely

2018. Kovács Ildikó Award /Kaposvári Biennálé/ - The best performance of children: Dániel András: Kicsibácsi és Kicsinéni (meg az Imikém) – Mesebolt Puppet Theater, Szombathely

2018. Fidelio Fortissimo – The death rode out of Persia, by: Péter Hajnóczy. Staféta Award Winning

2017. Award of Theater Critics – The best performance of children - nomination Ervin Lázár: Arnica the Duck Princess (Szegény Dzsoni és Árnika) – Operetta Theater, Budapest

2017. IV. Puppet Playwriter Competition – The Best Performance Award and Audience Award

2015. ‘Friss hús’ Festival – The end of puberty – The Best Film Award


2023 Perplex
Exit Generáció, Szkéné Theater

2023 Born: Emese Wagner
Manna Production, Jurányi Productional and Incubator House

2023 Qui a tué mon pére?
Jurányi Productional and Incubator House

2023 Médeia

2022 The Twins' Hour
Radnóti Miklós Theater, Budapest

2021 Pesti Coco
Három Holló, Trafó House of Contemporary Arts

2021 My Drive
Jurányi Produkciós és Inkubátorház

2020 Within the law
Radnóti Miklós Theatre, Budapest,

2019 Dezső Kosztolányi: Édes Anna
István Örkény István Theatre, Budapest

2019. Dear me !
KV Company, Kugler Art Szalon, Budapest

2019. Paul Claudel: Angyali üdvözlet
Stúdió K Theatre, Budapest

2019. Maurice Maeterlinck: Blue bird
music: Darvas Benedek, Ádám Rita
Operett Theater, Budapest

2018. András Dániel: Mit keresett Jakab az ágy alatt
Budapest Puppet Theater

2018. Pionírszív (based on Daniela Kapitánová: Samko Tale’s Cemetery Book)
István Örkény Theater, Budapest

2017. The death rode out of Persia, by: Péter Hajnóczy.
co – director András Juhász
Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest

2017. H. C. Andersen: Wild Swans
Ciróka Puppet Theater, Kecskemét

2017. András Dániel: Kicsibácsi és Kicsinéni (meg az Imikém) Mesebolt Puppet Theater, Szombathely

2017. Ervin Lázár: Arnica the Duck Princess (Szegény Dzsoni és Árnika) – Operett Theater, Budapest

2016. Gogoliáda – etudes of Alfred Schnittke Gogol Szvit and Sketches– MKE – Students of MKE Production Designer Department, Varsányi Péter co-director, Jurányi

2016. Béla Balázs: The Silent
Round Table Theatre in Education Company, Budapest

2016. Dóra Gimesi: The ninth life of the Cat Prince
Eszme, Manna produkció

2016. Captatás szünet nélkül – Eternal hustle
Ódry Theatre, University of Theater and Film

2016. Róbert Markó: The Princess who had no Kingdom
Szabadkai Children’s Theater

2016. Gluck: Orpheus and Euridiké
Hungarian State Opera

2015. Zita Show
University of Theater and Film Budapest

2015. Albert Camus: The Stranger
University of Theater and Film Budapest


2018. Paul Hindemith: Sancta Susanna
Kiscelli Múzeum

2016. Zita Show

2015. Szilágyi Fanni: The end of puberty (short film)

2010. International Theater Workshop in Rosiamontana, Romania

2010. And it will be so’ - Workshop in Coppenhaga - ’

2010. Home Theater
Föld Theater

2008. Ödön von Horváth: A Végítélet napja
Föld Theater in the Bakelit Multi Art Center

2007 - Tennessee Williams : Glass Figures
director: Ferenc Tarr

I graduated from the University of Theatre and Film in Budapest in 2017, earning my diploma in Stage Director. In the fall of 2018, I began my doctoral studies at the same university. The topic of my research is grounded in non-fiction and documentary discourses, well-known myths, and common cultural knowledge which form human memory and its presentation on stage. I have been working in traditional theatre format, as well as in puppet theatre and with independent theatre groups. In my work I focus on a multidisciplinary approach in order to highlight cooperative aspects of society, demonstrating those ideals in visual elements of stage performance that foregrounds extreme personalities in grotesque and black humour.